
Monday, March 26, 2012

Evie Joy - Personal Post.

Evie is coming up to 11 months now. She is hilarious. I know all parents think they have the most intelligent funny child ever to grace the face of the earth but I really do delight in small things she does. Recently Ebony gave her her Littlest Pet Shops which she has apparently 'gotten too big for'. Evie will spend ages playing with these Littlest Pet Shops and pops the pets in the baskets that come with some of them. Naturally I latched on to this as a sign of her superior intellect and provided more small containers so all the pets could have a 'bed'. I think she really is only content to play with the LPS for long periods of time because she still thinks they are Ebony's and so it's a big treat being able to play with something that isn't hers. She also loves it when she can get into the boys room and into the Thomas trains or Star Wars box.

She has 5 teeth now and is struggling to cut the 6th. She cut the first 4 teeth with almost no problem at all but these two front teeth have caused her so much pain. It makes her grumpy and sooky and she has no appetite. The other day I spent ages playing with her with a piece of fabric that came in the mail because she was so delighted with it.

I took a few photos of her playing in her room while I tried to get her to let me take a photo of her on the little bed prop that I've actually never used. It's really too small for newborns to lie down on but it's the perfect size for an older baby to sit on.

Evie is wearing her Petite Bling headwear and her little doll in the bed photo comes from Ruby & Belle. :)






RedHoney March 26, 2012 at 3:30 PM  

I love how relaxed she looks in the top photo, so beautiful.

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